The Affect of 5G Radiation on Water Molecules.

Natural  electro-magnetic fields have been around since the creation of the universe and are essential in supporting life itself. The sun, the moon (tides) are some examples of EMF’s. The needle on a compass moves into North / South Direction because of the electromagnetic fields of the earth. Birds and fish use it to navigate.

In water EMF’s influence and maintain the molecular structure to sustain and support all of life. Un-Natural, so called man made electro-magnetic fields are created by wifi, cell phone towers, microwave ovens and many more. At a weaker level they coexist with the natural frequencies and might not cause significant disturbance to the “system”

 When we introduce stronger man-made frequencies, in particular 5G, the situation is quite different. The influence of the frequencies is too strong for water to uphold its molecular structure and integrity. At this point we are changing life itself and by compromising the structure, we compromise our health.


This video demonstrated the effect of non-coherent EMF radiation including 5G on the molecular structure of water molecules and the effect of the ForceField Card.

Olle Johansson, Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden

“I often ask the question: “How many times higher do you think the radiation background levels are today compared to 30, 40, 50 years ago?” Once there was a very brave man who answered: “100 times higher.” In fact, it is one million billion times higher.”


The Effect of Man-Made EMf’s on the Calcium Channels in the Body.

EMf transmitters can activate the Calcium (*VGCC) channels in the body. As a result, an excess of calcium flows into the cells, because the cells can’t protect themselves at an optimal level. As a result various underlying systems are activated.

After calcium has entered the cell, Nitric Oxide (NO) can be released and it results in the release of free radicals. (Picture on the left).

Nitric oxide (NO) is a signalling molecule that plays a key role in the pathogenesis of inflammation. It gives an anti-inflammatory effect under normal physiological conditions. On the other hand, NO is considered as a pro-inflammatory mediator that induces inflammation due to over production in abnormal situations, like the prolonged exposure of radiation by EMF transmitters.

Free radicals break cells down over time. As the body ages, it loses its ability to fight the effects of free radicals. The result is more free radicals, more oxidative stress, and more damage to cells, which leads to degenerative processes, as well as “normal” aging.

Various studies and theories have connected oxidative stress due to free radicals to:

  • central nervous system diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and other dementias

  • cardiovascular disease

  • autoimmune and inflammatory disorders

  • genetic degenerative diseases,